Vomit and mold and a partridge in a pear tree.
First I want to address the issue of the security deposit that you all keep asking about. ABSOLUTELY NOT THEY WILL NOT GET BACK A DIME!
Now. By law my mom has 30 days to make necessary repairs and then provide the renters with a list of said repairs and a letter explaining how much, if any they will get back from their deposit. Then, if the amount is more then what we collected from them (I believe $1,000.00) we have the option to take them to court to collect the remaining balance of our repairs. Up until yesterday we were of the thinking that taking them to court would be futile since they are on social security, not working, and blow the rest of their money on liquor and cleaning products.
However last night as we entered the house to really start ripping shit out and logging repairs we found some things that may force us to take them to court. The night actually started good. Things were moving and shaking, changes were happening and we were having a good time.
We arrived to see that the gardener had gotten the back yard cleaned up pretty good for his first day on the job. He even cleaned out the big apple tree for Brandons fort.
First I want to address the issue of the security deposit that you all keep asking about. ABSOLUTELY NOT THEY WILL NOT GET BACK A DIME!
Now. By law my mom has 30 days to make necessary repairs and then provide the renters with a list of said repairs and a letter explaining how much, if any they will get back from their deposit. Then, if the amount is more then what we collected from them (I believe $1,000.00) we have the option to take them to court to collect the remaining balance of our repairs. Up until yesterday we were of the thinking that taking them to court would be futile since they are on social security, not working, and blow the rest of their money on liquor and cleaning products.
However last night as we entered the house to really start ripping shit out and logging repairs we found some things that may force us to take them to court. The night actually started good. Things were moving and shaking, changes were happening and we were having a good time.
We arrived to see that the gardener had gotten the back yard cleaned up pretty good for his first day on the job. He even cleaned out the big apple tree for Brandons fort.
That would be one year of dog piss.
At this point I would like to mention, the lady renter in her last letter basically said she knew there would be no deposit refund. Her reasoning is that we wouldn't allow her a couple extra days after her lease was up to "clean up" the house. She said that in the past her landlords had given her a couple extra days to clean and she got back "all or at least some" of her deposit back. She stated that they intended to repair the screens and fix the walls, and dirt and blah blah blah. All I'm saying is, a couple days wouldn't take the fucking mold off my walls, patch a 30+ year old door with a hole in it, replace the flooring and so on. She said that she struck a deal up with her new land lord to move in a few days early with out the place being cleaned first. So she will be moving into a dirty home, but she doesn't have to pay a full deposit. I bet it feels just like home to her!
Wow...I'm pretty much speechless to say the very least! I must ask though...did your mom have to give these people a new reference for this new place they are going to live in? I would assume not since their new landlord allowed them to move in without cleaning first...I'm going to assume this is a wonderful fit for landlord and tenant. These people were filthy pigs...vomit on the roof and dogshit on their bed! FOUL!!!!!!!
Seriously...... SICK!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe people would do this. I have two dogs and would NEVER IN MY LIFE leave a house in this kind of shape...... EVER.
I don't know how you are managing all of this with the kids in tow. Shannon = Super Mom.
Do you have to move? Because this house seems like A LOT of work.
I am so glad you are documenting this. You should be on a TV show, I swear. Sick, those people were effing sick.
I do however, looking forward to seeing the changes that you make and the palace it turns into.
OMG, Gross!
Oh my gosh. I can't believe it. I just can't. MOLD. That crap is toxic, and they just CHOSE to live with it... they should definitely have to pay for it. Ewwwwwww.
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