I want to take a minute to talk about my dad. Watching all this stuff has made me think he's a damn genius. He can wire lights, and do plumbing, and floors and paint and it blows me away. However yesterday when the alarm people came I really understood how much different he thinks then the rest of the world. The alarm guy was telling me that because of wires they had to locate key pads, sirens, and such in really wonky stupid ass places. I explicitly said NO. I may be an idiot girl but even I knew there is more then one way to skin a cat. This asshole alarm guy actually had the nerve to argue with me. Finally my dad sensing my frustration stepped in. My dad who spends his days running thermostat and zoning wires in houses. Who knows that there is almost always a way to please the customer finally showed the guy like THREE different ways to accomplish what I want. At one point one of the guys flat out told me it was impossible to access the back side of a certain wall and my dad stood there completely dumbfounded because the backside of the wall was the goddamn garage wall. I don't know how much more accessible it could be. Or later when I said I didn't want a fucking alarm siren located in my living room. I told them I wanted it in this little cubby near the kitchen. They were adamant that it COULD NOT BE DONE. I stared at it for a second and said, "umm isn't there a closet right behind it, and below that isn't it crawl space?" Can't you just run the wires like that. The guy started getting mad at me kind of telling me he just couldn't wire it that way. Again, my dad senses that I am about 14 seconds from going atomic bitch on these guys and walks over and shows them THREE MORE ways to make my wish happen. They actually tried to argue with him not realizing, he has run all the duct work and thermostat wires int hat house, obviously he knows every inch of that place. I walked away from that install visibly upset. What bothered me most is that in the end, it seemed the alarm guys didn't want to do any more work then necessary. Total this alarm has cost me close to $3,700.00. For that much money I honestly think they could have been a little nicer, a little more willing, and a little less lazy about shit. I'm very happy my dad was there. Had he not been I think those guys would have taken advantage of me being just a young girl and forced me to have things in a way I wouldn't have been happy.